Speciality Provider of
Concussion Care

Call us at (336) 221-3904
Safegaurding Brain Wellness

Smarter Care For Smarter Athletes

    Preseason Baseline
    Recovery Tracking
    Return To Play Decisions
*Baseline: Full Brain Physical or Neurocognitive Test Only

Call us at (336) 221-3904

Sports Related Concussion

As advocates of brain wellness, we strive to provide accessible medical care to student athletes in our community. We’ve partnered with SportGait and are using their concussion clinical decision support system to reliably measure brain wellness and sports concussions.

Monitor annual brain development

Compare results to baseline and others based on sex and age when a potential concussion occurs

Track treatment and recovery progress, returning athletes at the right time


of High School Athletes receive 1 or more concussions*


of High School Athletes receive 2 or more concussions*


of concussions occur during competition**

the average high school football player receives 592 head impacts over a season***

*CDC Self-Reported Concussions from Playing a Sport or Being Physically Active Among High School Students — USA, 2017
**CNN These high school sports have the highest concussion rates
***JAT Football Players’ Head-Impact Exposure After Limiting of Full-Contact Practices

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A sideline concussion guide for coaches and parents

To learn more about Sports Concussion Care call us at (336) 221-3904